Friday, January 22, 2010

Our Month-Long Recap

Needless to say I am very disappointed in myself that it’s been over a month since our last post! We’ve been swamped with fun activities, traveling, working, schooling and just spending time getting baby things
together. Charley has become quite the big brother helper and was pretty excited to buy the baby a toy the other night that he will be able to give to him upon his arrival.

Mitch is in high gear with planning his on-campus speakers for the Spring Semester. Charley is growing up way too quickly and is quite the imaginative little boy. Currently he enjoys a good sword fighting with Daddy, watching Transformers and baking with Mommy. He’s always ready to help – we’re hoping that skill becomes transferrable when the baby arrives!

The curtains have been sewn and hung, the crib is together and the things are pretty much together – although we are not anticipating this baby’s arrival for 2+ months, his room is ready! We continue to stand firm that we will not reveal any choice of baby name until we take a good look at him and make the final decision.

I’m finishing up my last graduate class and attempting to not stress about the details of it all. I only begin to worry when I think of all the timing, so instead we’ve maintained a high level of denial that the baby’s arrival is scheduled for the beginning of April and my class ends in May. DETAILS!! J

This baby moves a lot and has kept a steady weekly heartbeat between 140-150. We have been blessed with an amazing nurse (Lori) who makes her weekly injection visits to the house warm, friendly and fun. We love that she is a labor & delivery nurse at our hospital and hopeful she’ll be working when delivery time comes. So far there have been no major complications or difficulties at this time – but this baby is certainly growing! Next appointment is next week – it’s hard to believe we’re reaching the 30 week point!

Also, please continue to keep our friends Kate & Lyn’s little girl Greta in your thoughts and prayers. Greta is a 16-month ray of sunshine who has been hospitalized since mid-December. She continues to gain strength and make great strides. Her mommies are pretty incredible women who we hold close to our hearts and wish their entire family continued strength.

**SIDENOTE: The preggers photo has been posted for Miss Sage Caspersson - your welcome, but don't make me do this again! You've now seen me....and we're done.

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