Sunday, April 25, 2010

Weekend Photo Review

Wowza, we had a full weekend! Wilson had some unexpected trips to the doctor with some eye gunk; however by Saturday morning he was fully recouperated. Join me on this photo summary of our weekend....

My Student Affairs Administration Master's program is complete! Our director of the program Dr. Wessel hosted a brunch Saturday morning....

THEN....later in on Saturday, my parents and Gramama visited to celebrate the completion of my degree. We had a really great visit - check out the SIZE of those steaks....grill em boys!

My Gramama spent a lot of time holding Wilson and playing with Charley. Later that evening when asked what his favorite part of the day was, Charley said "zooming cars on the floor with Gramama" - that was my favorite part too, Charley!

Sunday morning Charley had a music program during service at his preschool. He wasn't too interested in participating in singing; however he stayed on stage and behaved rather well, so FOUR STARS BUDDY! (Charley is on bottom row - look for the little boy more concerned with the buttons on his shirt than the actual program).

Today we noticed our neighbors playing in a giant mud puddle - we decided very quickly that Charley needed to join in the fun! He had an absolute blast!

We had quite a full weekend and loved every minute! Hope the rain continues a bit more so our newly seeded grass can grow, grow, grow - however, not too terribly long so we can go to the park this week and enjoy the sunshine.

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