Friday, March 19, 2010

We're in the HOMESTRETCH!

I'm not generally supersticious; however with this situation I'm cautious to report just yet. Yesterday the doctor gave us good news that Wilson could possibly be released Saturday. Generally parents of NICU babies are asked to participate in "homeward bound," which involves the parents and baby staying in a hospital room a night or two before the baby's release to ensure the baby is thriving and the parents are prepared for taking care of their child. In Wilson's case they need him to be fed round the clock for two full days to be sure he is maintaining/gaining weight. Well because the labor/delivery area is ridiculously full I'm doing a "pseudo homeward bound" where I'm staying in the NICU round the clock for the two days. Last night was the first night and Wilson did great! His feeding tube has been removed and they would like him to eat about 46 cc's per feeding - well last night he ate 70-75 cc's each feeding! Personally I think it's because I showed him a photo of Brian & Krissie's new baby Eddie and he realized the need to kick it into high gear to catch up with his 8+ lb. self! Whatever the reason Wilson did great!
We're not going to tell Charley that Wilson could possibly come home until it's official - I'm afraid the little boy won't sleep a wink with excitement!

Thanks again for everyone's thoughts & prayers. Here's to an anticipated wonderful weekend to celebrate!

1 comment:

Brian said...

If showing him a picture of Eddie helps him eat, perhaps reading about Wilson will help Eddie sleep! ;-)
